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GDLN Korea provides services in videoconferencing, video facility rental, technical support, and e-Learning, and has been working with local and ov erseas government agencies, international organizations, corporations, and NGO's.
Real-time Videoconferencing
GDLN Korea organizes global dialogue on development experience by connecting 120 worldwide sites. So far, a wide range of videocon ferences has been held, with topics in human resource development, green growth, and rural development, and has produced lively discussion and addresse d development issues in depth.
Videoconference Facility Rental
videoconference facilities and technical services are available for meetings, knowledge exchanges, or other activities related to develop ment topics, including courses, seminars and workshops. Using video systems provides a cost-effective way of conducting meetings conveniently at anytime and from anywhere. Options are available for recording the events, as well as choosing multi-point videoconferencing connections.
The GDLN Korea center utilizes Korea’s development experience cases as e-Learning materials in connection with the World Ba nk’s e-institute. It provides on-line educational services to public and private sectors in Korea and abroad to disseminate high quality expert information an d knowledge on Korea’s development experience.