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[News] 2024 GDLN Global Newsletter
2024-02-22 hit : 963
Greetings from the GDLN Global Secretariat!

2023 was a meaningful year for the GDLN Community. The GDLN Global Board meeting was held offline for the first time since the pandemic in Seoul, Korea. The meeting was held in conjunction with the GDLN Asia Pacific Regional Meeting and took place at the tail end of the annual KDI School GDLN Blended Learning Program (face-to-face component). We are excited about another productive year learning and sharing our respective expertise with the GDLN community.

Highlighted below are some of the submissions from our GDLN affiliates, providing information about their valuable work in 2023 and a preview of what to expect in 2024. We always encourage you to share your updates, programs, news, and stories through the GDLN Global Secretariat, your respective Regional Secretariats, the GDLN Global Facebook page, or gdlnglobal.org. To stay updated on program offerings from affiliates worldwide, it is best to stay connected. We look forward to hearing from all of you in 2024!

2024 GDLN Global Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/5497318bbb64/2024-gdln-global-newsletter-10282284