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Privacy Policy

GDLN Korea's Privacy Policy

GDLN Korea is committed to user privacy. We treat our members' personal information supplied for receiving GDLN Korea's services in accordance with our privacy policy. We use our members' personal information solely for the purpose of providing better services to our members, and do not disclose the information to third par-ties without our members' explicit consent. We strive to protect our members' personal information from unauthorized use. Our members can view this privacy policy at any time. Our privacy policy may be modified in the future, if instructed to do so by the government or law, or in order to improve the quality of our services.

GDLN Korea's privacy policy is as follows:

  • -Collection and use
  • -Items and methods of collecting personal information
  • -Supply and sharing of personal information
  • -Members' rights with regard to personal information
  • -Possession of personal information
  • -Privacy protection techniques
  • -Cookies
  • -Persons responsible for privacy protection
  • -Complaints with regard to privacy protection
  • -Effective date and policy updates

Collection and use

  • -GDLN Korea collects personal information from its members with the purpose of providing best services to its members through its website (http://www.gdln.or.kr).
  • -GDLN Korea provides helpful information to its members based on their personal information. GDLN Korea requests members' personal information in order to pro-vide them with answers to their questions in a more effective way.
  • -GDLN Korea strives to manage its members' personal information in an accurate way and keep it always up to date.

Items and methods of collecting personal information

  • -GDLN Korea collects the minimum personal information necessary for establishing and executing the contract for providing our services using appropriate and fair methods. Before collecting personal information, we always make sure to obtain consent from our members.
  • -GDLN Korea surveys members' preferences, using patterns through our homepage server log file or polls in order to better understand our members and pro-vide them with high-quality services. The results of our surveys do not include customer identifiable information. We also retain the rights to share data collected through surveys with our advertisers and affiliates at our members' consent.
  • -GDLN Korea requires the following personal information from its members:
    • -Email (ID), password and nationality
    • -Nationality, job title and consent to receive e-mail notifications
  • -GDLN Korea does not request information that can infringe on members' basic human rights. Exceptions include cases where users agree to provide such informa-tion voluntarily, or when required so by law.

upply and sharing of personal information

  • -GDLN Korea does not provide members' personal information to third par-ties without members' consent for purposes other than specified in this policy.
  • -GDLN Korea marks items that require members' consent, and members have the right to refuse or withdraw their consent to provide that information. Those items include:
    • -Personal information of a person in charge of privacy protection (department, name, and telephone number)
    • -Period of possessing and using requested information
    • -Items related to the supply of personal information to third parties
    • -Other items stipulated by the related laws
  • -Access to members' personal information is limited to persons in charge of the related operations.
  • -However, GDLN Korea retains the right to provide members' personal information to third parties without members' consent in the following events:
    • -If stipulated so by the real-name financial transactions law, password protection law, credit information use and protection law, the Telecommunications Basic Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, local tax laws, consumer protection act, Bank of Korea Act, or the code of legal procedure
    • -If required so for compiling statistical data, academic papers or market surveys without including customer identifiable information
    • -If basic personal information (email address, etc.) is required for establishing a contract for providing requested services to members by GDLN Korea's partner co-mpanies
    • -Third parties can use information provided voluntarily by members online; members themselves are held responsible for that information.

Members' rights with regard to personal information

  • -GDLN Korea respects the rights of members with regard to their personal information.
  • -Members can demand details on viewing and correcting their personal information through their visits to GDLN Korea's website, or membership IDs(e-mail address-es), or withdraw the already-provided consent; GDLN Korea will take prompt measures in that regard after confirming member authorization.
  • -In the event a member requests to correct errors in personal information, GDLN Korea will not use that information until the specified errors are corrected, and will notify members about corrections immediately.
  • -If members want to view or correct their personal information, they can do so anytime by logging in using their membership IDs(e-mail addresses) and passwords.

Possession of personal information

  • -Information provided by members is used from the date of subscribing to our website and until the date of discontinuing membership for the purpose of providing ser-vices. Personal information is destroyed immediately upon unsubscribing or being terminated from membership.
  • -If a member withdraws his/her membership by terminating the contract, his/her personal information is possessed by GDLN Korea for a certain period of time for the settlement of legal suits, or disputes. In these cases, viewing or using personal information is limited only to the above-stated purposes.

Privacy protection techniques

  • -GDLN Korea is committed to employing best technologies for protecting members' personal information.
  • -GDLN Korea limits the number of staff who can access members' personal information to the minimum, and provides training to its employees with regard to privacy protection. We also regularly change the password of personal information managers for accessing members' information, and do our best to prevent privacy infringement.


  • -GDLN Korea uses cookies to allow our members to use our website more conveniently.
  • -A cookie is a small amount of data transmitted by the website server to the user's computer. The transmitted data contains information on the visited website and the user's personal information. Although cookies can detect the user's computer browser, they cannot tell users individually, and users can accept all cookies by using browser options, or request to receive a notification before installing a cookie, or refuse to install cookies whatsoever.
  • -Any personal information collected through users' visits of GDLN Korea's website is not disclosed outside unless required by the law.


  • -GDLN Korea quickly deals with users' complaints with respect to privacy protection. We do our best to protect our members' information.
  • -embers can contact our privacy protection managers anytime if they consider GDLN Korea to fail in protecting members' personal information. We will check the problems immediately and make corrections, if necessary, in the shortest period of time.

Privacy protection manager

  • -GDLN Korea discloses contact information of our personal information manager, who is also in charge of dealing with members' complaints.

Effective date and policy updates

  • -GDLN Korea's privacy policy has been effective since December 1, 2012.
  • -This privacy policy can be modified in accordance with changes in law or government's instructions, or in order to provide better services to our members. We notify our members of any changes in our privacy policy. However, it takes seven days or more to notify members about changes in the terms of privacy protection of the membership agreement.